Our Technology

fcpg-technologyAt FCPG we are constantly striving to improve our service to clients and to use innovative ways to better meet their needs. As part of this drive for improvement we have launched an on-line system for data collection and therapy records management. Our intervention teams use iPads programmed with a customized online system that allows them to easily collect, analyse and access data about clients in a way that works specifically with our existing work practices and the needs of each client. We are very proud of the fact that we are the first organization to be using this technology with clients in Canada and feel this reflects our commitment to truly excel in our field.

What does this mean for clients?

In real terms this means that our Behavioural Intervention teams need to spend less time recording data and figuring out the progress of each child. Instead of having to sit and make notes, look up information and track progress on paper, our staff can now use an iPad to do this much more quickly during client sessions which frees up their time to work directly with the child.

Because it is customized, the information collected and the analysis performed is completely relevant to the specific needs of each child and their individualized behavioural plan of intervention. All of our behavioural programs are designed around the child and this software mirrors that same commitment to you.

It also means that tracking progress and analyzing the data is now readily available digitally and can be shared instantly with other team members and parents. This in turn allows everybody involved with the child’s progress to be kept informed and to be responsive to progress made, challenges that need to be addressed or changes to learning that need to be accommodated.

How does this work?

The family is provided with an iPad (on loan from FCPG) which staff use when attending for behaviorual intervention sessions to be able to record data, document progress and access reports and information. Parents are given a unique login to use from their own computers to access all this information too. If required, the family can easily transport the iPad to school, daycare or community settings to facilitate easy data collection without having to lug around a mountain of paperwork and binders.

Additional benefits

While our focus for this implementation is on improved service delivery, there is undoubtedly an environmental benefit to this switch because the amount of paper traditionally used to collect and store all this information is significant. Using iPads rather than paper records will significantly reduce our environmental footprint.


The use of this technology significantly enhances the security of all personal information surrounding our services as it is no longer means that a vast paper trail has to be carried about that could potentially be seen by others. Online data is safely stored in an encrypted format and can only be accessed through secure login. We ensure the privacy, security and integrity of all information stored as our system is in compliance with the Health Information Protection Act (HIPA – Canada).