What is reinforcement?

  What is reinforcement? Reinforcement is something that happens after a behaviour, that increases the future occurrence of the behaviour. In short, reinforcement strengthens behaviour! For example… When Harry says “cookie,” his Mom gives him a delicious cookie to eat. …

Task Analysis and Chaining

What is task analysis? Task analysis involves breaking complex tasks into simpler steps. This can be done by observing someone complete a task, consulting experts, or performing the skill yourself and documenting each step. It is important to consider the …

Visual Supports

What are they? A visual support is a type of visual display that helps the learner engage in target skills or behaviours (Fleury et al., 2015) Examples include: Pictures Written words Activity schedules First-then sequences Labels Organization systems Choice boards …

What can I do about my child’s sleep problems?

Sleep Challenges Research has demonstrated that anywhere between 44-83% of children with autism have problems with sleep (Couturier et al., 2005; Krakowiak, Goodlin-Jones, Hertz-Picciotto, Croen, & Hansen, 2008). Families who have a child with autism may experience problems with their …